We think the internet is collapsing under the weight of political satire and trolls. Trolls aside, here is the list of top funny and hilarious satirical websites on the internet
Latin Leche / latinleche.org

The newest addition to the satire on the Internet. It’s the adult one. Latin Leche in obvious translation means latin milk, but it not necessarily is connected to… some dessert. Latin Leche is gay series that features adventures of American guys with some cash money cruising on the streets and looking for guys from Latin America that are willing to have some crazy public sex in exchange for a little money. It’s fantasy website and it features a lot of action, but it’s adult only, so keep it in mind. This satire really shows how real life on streets of USA looks like.
The Onion
The Onion is the king of political satire at the moment. If you are on Facebook then there is a strong chance you’ve already seen one of your friends read or like their Onion article. They frame their headlines in such a way that they look real but satirical at the same time. You will be confused and laugh when you encounter an Onion headline for the first time. The gag makers at Onion have divided their headlines into several categories with the U.S. Politics having a special section for an obvious reason, Trump! Their subtitles are equally hilarious.
One headline this week told a story of a white house sniper who was so bored on the building that he thought of lodging a bullet in the head of a random tourist walking in the streets.
Cracked is quite general with its humor which touches on political, social and economic trending events. They often launch hilarious diatribes on latest craze such as the unprecedented popularity of Bitcoin, Donald Trump’s strange kind of presidency, Kim Jong Un and Trump’s nukes argument and many other issues all packed in a rib-cracking package for Cracked’s army of readers. Cracked is highly popular and won’t miss on your Facebook suggestion list if you are already following another popular political satirist such as The Onion.
This week Snopes has headlines reporting that Sarah Palin has called for the ban on Arabic Numerals. In another headline, Caitlyn Jenner is set to do nudes for the cover of Sports Illustrated.
It is hard to come up with a list of satirical sites on the internet that people love to hate without mentioning Snopes. Their headlines are captivating and ridiculous at the same time, a situation that will leave you Googling the topics to ascertain if they are true or false only to realize that they are gags.
The Borowitz Report
Andy Borowitz is the guy behind this satirical website. It has been pouring scorn and fun at political events since 1998. The New Yorker has since added it into its stable as its official satirical subsection. The Borowitz Report seems to take a much different perspective on popular political events thus diverting the attention of the public to a satirical side of the story. One setback with The Borowitz Report is their meager number of articles which are really few especially if you put the size of the site into consideration. However, the quality is impressive while their hilarious insights have remained same for two decades.
Fark takes a different style not found in most other satirical websites in that the site allows its readers to submit real news political stories happening around the world. Users add custom headlines on the stories albeit with satirical undertones before bringing them to Fark. Nowadays the website allows users to submit almost any type of news from various categories and allows other users to comment and add pun on them.
There are hordes of satirical websites on the internet today, thanks to media freedom in most countries and a bunch of blundering politicians to pour fun at. Discovering one site leads you into noticing another site.

Political Satire is a well-known art that has been there for quite some time now. In every Era or age you will find people satirizing their political system in one way or another.