Political Satire is a way of approaching political topics which are generally out of reach of the common people. Through this medium, we the common people get to use humor and ridicule in one sentence to approach various issues that are bogging us down as individuals and as a society.
For centuries now, political satire has made politics more accessible and has created more people who are aware about what is happening around them. Today, our major source of political satire are various satirical news outlets and some newspapers that have dedicated one column to this genre. In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that political satire news sections have seen a steep rise in the recent years and our society has also welcomed standup comedians who dare to use this genre to take potshots in the right direction.
Advantages Of Political Satire

Increase in political satire segments in print as well as on TV, has created a new race of informed viewers who feel empowered to make informed decisions. This is particularly important today, when we have reached at a place where news outlets are under tremendous pressure about what kind of news they can put out. They are also under various restrictions from ruling parties, various sections of the society and their own need to earn profit in the process.
Example: Bubblegum Dungeon
Political satire is not only for… politics. Take a look at Bubblegum Dungeon – the adult’s only series from Adult Time, where BDSM genre of adult entertainment is kind of a satire to the seriousness that always surrounded it. That changed. 2019 version of BDSM genre is full of rainbow, colors and good old rough entertainment. It’s time to see it.

So, while news outlets may leave out critical information and may never touch topics that are of prime importance to our society, political satire can take the lead and bring to us information that is not misleading and is crucial. When using political satire, information is chosen based on comic value and deviation from essential information is not supported.
With all said and done it must also be noted that exaggeration is also a part of political satire. So, when taking political satire seriously, one has to trust his own instincts and decide how much to believe and how much to filter before acting on a given piece of information.
Political satire is an important part of our society now. We consume it from various channels and for years it has helped us solve critical issues at hand. But like all things hear say, it is upto us to use this genre to our advantage and realize when things are edging towards skepticism.

Political Satire is a well-known art that has been there for quite some time now. In every Era or age you will find people satirizing their political system in one way or another.